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Table 1 Descriptive statistics of call features measured in the advertisement calls of D. melanostictus in three localities

From: Reproductive activity and advertisement calls of the Asian common toad Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Amphibia, Anura, Bufonidae) from Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam

Call property

TL (n= 9)

VS (n= 11)

ND (n= 15)

Total (N= 35)

Call rate (calls/min)

2.10 ± 0.19

2.21 ± 0.18

2.02 ± 0.16

2.10 ± 0.19





Rise time (ms)

238.9 ± 81.2

200.8 ± 98.4

269.9 ± 95.1

240.2 ± 94.9





Dominant frequency (Hz)

1312.7 ± 13.2

1266.7 ± 20.2

1302.3 ± 15.4

1293.8 ± 23.0





Call duration (ms)

29,082.8 ± 3357.1

27,710.3 ± 7251.1

24,674.9 ± 5858.6

26,722.2 ± 5909.3




(17,930-41 220)

Frequency modulation (Hz)

162.0 ± 52.1

122.7 ± 49.7

147.1 ± 21.8

143.3 ± 42.4





Pulse rate (pulses/s)

13.25 ± 3.89

11.46 ± 2.75

10.35 ± 0.72

11.69 ± 2.63






  1. Descriptive statistics of call features measured in the advertisement calls of D. melanostictus in three localities of Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam. The mean ± 1 SD and range (minimum ~ maximum) are shown without adjusting for variation in SVL size or air temperature. TL, Truoi Lake; VS, Voi Stream; ND, Nam Dong District; N, number of adult males recorded.